Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


Enrollment and Placement

How do I enroll?

Please contact us through any of the following methods to schedule an assessment:

Phone: (852) 2887-7702
WhatsApp: (852) 9019-2513

Our staff will guide you on the enrolment process.


Fees, Charges and Payments

1. What form of payment does Mini Miracles accept?

We accept cash, cheques (made payable to “Mini Miracles Limited”) or bank transfer.

2. How long is my paid course valid for?

Paid courses are valid for one month starting from the date of the first class, subject to make-up
class arrangements. Please refer to our terms and conditions for further information:

Terms and Conditions


Enforced Closure, Cancellation and Scheduling

Under what circumstances will classes be cancelled?

Classes will be cancelled when the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or the Typhoon Signal No. 8 or
higher is hoisted.

If a signal is cancelled or lowered to Typhoon Signal No. 3, Typhoon Signal No. 1, Red Rainstorm
Warning Signal or Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal, classes will proceed as usual two hours after
such warnings are cancelled or lowered.

If you have any further enquiries, feel free to contact us through any of the following methods:

Phone: (852) 2887-7702
WhatsApp: (852) 9019-2513